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ChatGPToot becomes Mr. Roboto and moves to botsin.space

published - |written by Joe Peterson
We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster.

We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster.

They killed Kenny!

You Bastards!!


ChatGPToot is now Mr. Roboto!

Bot Moved

Due to some shitty server moderation, and for no reason that was stated to me, masto.ai decided to suspend ChatGPToot. Luckily, that's exactly why I chose Mastodon and the fediverse over Twitter. Viva la revolucion!

Since the account was suspended, I could not migrate it, so I was forced to start a new account from scratch. Please follow the new bot, and don't forget to apply to be a beta tester if you want to play with it! Beta Application

New Mention Command!

I added a new command

//img-asst// {prompt} or //image-assist// {prompt}

It will take your prompt and ask GPT3 to improve it, then send it to DALL-E for image generation. This is distinct to //image// {prompt}, which simply takes your prompt and feeds it to DALL-E as is.

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