Developer to English Dictionary
A dictionary of common programming terms and their English definitions.
All Terms
- Algorithm
- Algorithmic Alchemy
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- Array
- Back End
- Bike Shedding
- Binary
- Bit Rot
- Bleeding Edge
- Boat Programming
- Boilerplate Code
- Branching and Merging
- Buggy Code
- C++
- Cargo Cult Programming
- Client-Side
- Code Golf
- Code Ninja
- Code Refactoring
- Code Review
- Code Smell
- Coding By Convention
- Compiler
- Continuous Integration
- Database
- Dogfooding
- Duck Typing
- Exception
- Feature Creep
- For Loops
- Framework
- Front End
- Function
- Garbage Collection
- Git
- Git Blame
- Gold Plating
- Happy Path
- Hardcode
- Iteration
- JavaScript
- Keyboard Cowboy
- Lazy Loading
- Linux
- Machine Language
- Machine Learning
- Memory Leak
- Monkey Patching
- Null
- Null Pointer Exception
- Object
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Over-Engineering
- Pair Programming
- Pushing Code
- Python
- React
- Recursive Descent
- Refactoring
- Rubber Duck Debugging
- Rubber Stamping
- Scope Creep
- Scripts
- Server
- Shadow IT
- Singleton Pattern
- Spaghetti Code
- Sprint
- Terminal
- Whiteboarding
- Yak Shaving
- Zombie Code